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Diy Patch Wifi Antenna

Have a DIY Gin Tonic Bar at Your Next Party. Whats better than serving gin and tonics at a party Having a whole gin and tonic bar, thats what. A few weeks ago I went to an event for Beefeater in San Francisco. They had your traditional bar there, with a bartender mixing up fancy cocktails. There was also a DIY Gin Tonic bar. You could ask the bartender for just a glass with ice and gin in it, and then use the assortment of tonic waters and accouterments on the table to build your own. If youre a cigar fan, you need a place to keep them so theyll stay fresh and ready to smoke. But a nice humidor can cost you around 100. Heres how you can. Adafruit Industries, Unique fun DIY electronics and kits Shields Tools Gift Certificates Arduino Cables Sensors LEDs Books Breakout Boards Power EL WireTape. Antenna for 70 cm 432 440 MHz collected in Antennas70cm at The DXZone. Learn how to do just about everything at eHow. Find expert advice along with How To videos and articles, including instructions on how to make, cook, grow, or do. Whats better than serving gin and tonics at a party Having a whole gin and tonic bar, thats what. A few weeks ago I went to an event for Beefeater in San. Image/lte_ya134.jpg' alt='Diy Patch Wifi Antenna' title='Diy Patch Wifi Antenna' />The idea was so fun I started doing it whenever I had friends over and it was a big hit. Theres something fun about mixing your own drinks, at least in my opinion. We all want to pretend were masters at cocktails, but truth be told most of us have pretty much no idea what were doing. A gin tonic bar is a pretty low key attempt at an open bar. Even for those that have never had a G T before, its a tough one to really screw up. For the most part, you can put whatever you want on the bar as options, and almost any concoction your guests come up with will be drinkable. As someone who always becomes the default bartender in my group of friends, I really liked not being in charge of everyones drinks for once, and everyone in attendance seemed to really like experimenting on their own. Heres what you need to build your own Get a few bottles of gin. Different gins will have different flavors. It can be fun to experiment with different options. Some of my favorites include The Botanist, Aviator, and Bulldog. Get a few tonic water options. Just like the gin, tonic water will add different flavors to your G T. I love Fever Trees Tonic water. Other good options include Q and Fentimans. If youre feeling particularly adventurous you can also make your own. Cut up fruit and veggies and put them on a plate. In general, grapefruit, cucumbers, lime and oranges go well with gin and tonics. Ive seen people use more adventurous fruits like strawberries, watermelon, peaches and blueberries as well. Grab at least three or four options from your local grocery and cut them up, displaying them on a plate for guests. Offer a few spices. I really love muddling a bit of basil in the bottom of a glass and pairing that with grapefruit for a G T. Fresh basil and rosemary can both be great options to have on hand. Cinnamon sticks, peppercorns, juniper berries, and cardamon can also be big hits. Think about what flavors you like in a G T and then pick things that will enhance that. You can lay these out in their respective containers, or put them in small bowls. Set everything up on a side table I use a long, short bookshelf near my dining room table. Youll want to lay out everything I listed above, and then put some small glasses and a bucket of ice as well as something to scoop it out on the table as well. Small glasses are key here. That means your guests can make a few drinks over the course of the night, and nobody gets carried away and uses half a bottle of gin to make something horrible. For guests that dont know what theyre doing, Id suggest starting with a basic 1 1 recipe one ounce of gin to every one ounce of tonic water, thats easy enough to eyeball, and then telling them to select just one or two ingredients from the table to enhance it. Light drinkers can double the amount of tonic. Its VERY hard to go wrong with just adding a few of the fruits although Im sure someone can do it. Spices should be used sparingly, but those are pretty difficult to screw up as well as long as youre limiting your selection to just a small amount of one. As the night progresses, youll be surprised what awesome creations your guests come up with, and theyll definitely be talking about it much more than they would if you labored over their drinks all night. Wi. Fi Antennas Wi. Fi. 10 element Yagi Wi. Fi Antenna. A DIY project of a Wi. Fi 1. 0 elements Yagi antenna. Hits 8. 52 Votes 4 Rating 4. Helix Antenna. Here is the design of a 2. GHz antenna that is ideal for amateur satellite communications. This antenna is easy to assemble because the design itself tolerates inaccuracies in the construction without really affecting performance. Hits 6. 38. 03 Votes 7. Rating 5. 8. 1 2. GHz homemade antenna. A homemade Wi. Fi antenna for 2. GHz project. Hits 2. Votes 2. 2 Rating 5. GHz Collinear antenna. GHz sleeve co linear antenna construction details. Hits 6. 53. 7 Votes 1. Rating 4. 2. 3 2. Ghz double quad antenna. An easy to build, compact antenna for wireless lan applications that offers a reasonable amount gain. Hits 2. 74. 45 Votes 8. Rating 5. 1. 8 2. GHz Quad Antenna. A 2,4 GHz 1. 3cm band quadrible qiad antenna with reflector offering a 1. Hits 1. 63. 9 Votes 1. Rating 4. 6. 0 2. GHz Sky mini dish Antenna. How to modify a Sky mini dish so it will work effectivly at 2. Ghz. Hits 3. 75 Votes 3 Rating 4. GHz Colliner Antenna Design. Antenna for 8. 02. Hits 1. 09. 63 Votes 2. Rating 6. 4. 2 2. GHz Cubic Quad Antenna. The Cubic Quad antenna is a commonly homemade antenna in the range of about 1. MHz. Our little project was to design one of these for use in the 2. GHz range for 8. 02. LANs. Hits 3. 63. Votes 6. 6 Rating 5. GHz Helix antenna. Concise instructions on making a broadband helical antenna for 2. GHz use, such as 8. GHz video links. Hits 4. Votes 1. 03 Rating 6. GHz Short Backfire Antenna. My short backfire antenna for 2. Hits 2. 67. 56 Votes 2. Rating 6. 0. 7 2. Construction of a 2. Hits 3. 50. 6 Votes 1. Rating 2. 8. 5 2. MHz Helix Antenna. This antenna is easy to build and suitable for broadband work, satellite work and terrestrial work. Hits 8. 53. 1 Votes 8 Rating 7. Km LOS with USB Wi. Fi stick. Simple USB 8. Wi. Fi adapter with original antenna used for this 2. A4. QV. Hits 5. Votes 1. Rating 5. Colinear Antenna for Wireless LAN. This is an short description on how to make a cheap omni antenna for 8. LAN cards. Hits 2. Votes 2. 9 Rating 4. Ghz Low Power Vertical Antenna. A 2. 4. Ghz low power 5d. Bi vertical collinear. Hits 8. 87. 4 Votes 8 Rating 4. Homebrew Wi. Fi Antenna Shootout. Guide to homebrew your wifi antenna, using a tin can, in this cases using a pringles can. This antennas are also known as cantenna and let you spread your wifi signal. Hits 7. 09. 11 Votes 6. Rating 6. 5. 3 A 2. Ghz High gain antenna. Here is how to build a high gain antenna for 2. Hz wireless networks. Several hams are experimenting with these devices in an effort to build a network. It is sometimes referred to as Hinternet or HSMM. Hits 6. 06. 30 Votes 8. Rating 5. 6. 7 A 2. Ghz Low Power Vertical Collinear antenna. Antenna for 8. 02. Brian Oblivion and Capt. Kaboom. Hits 3. Votes 5 Rating 4. A simple Wi Fi Yagi. Add two parasitic elements to the sleeve dipole of a Netgear Router. Hits 1. 72. 1 Votes 6 Rating 2. A Tincan feed for 2. Ghz. Construction details for a simple but effective antenna for 2. Ghz wireless lan use. Hits 6. 61. 4 Votes 9 Rating 5. A Tincan feed for 2. GHz. Construction details for a simple but effective antenna for 2. Ghz wireless lan use. Hits 2. 83 Votes 1 Rating 7. An Easy Wifi Yagi Antenna. A 2. 4 GHz Wi. Fi antenna that can boost your Wi. Fi signals for many miles. Its an easy to build Yagi antenna project done with some popsicle sticks, paper clips and glue. Hits 2. 35. 2 Votes 2. Rating 7. 4. 5 Belkin F5. D7. 05. 0 External Antenna. Adding an external antenna to the Belkin F5. D7. 05. 0. Hits 4. Votes 9 Rating 5. Bi. Quad 8. 02. 1. Antenna. Bi. Quad 8. Antenna 1. 1d. Bi, wide band by Trevor Marshall. Hits 8. 07. 7 Votes 9 Rating 6. Bi. Quad 8. 02. 1. Antenna. Home made Wi. Fi 1. 1d. Bi, wide band antenna by T. Marshall. Hits 1. Votes 1 Rating 1. Bi. Quad Antenna calculator. Online calculator for Bi Quad antennas. Hits 7. 16. 1 Votes 3. Rating 5. 0. 2 Biquad Antenna Construction. This page details the construction of a biquad antenna. The biquad antenna is easy to build, and provides a reliable 1. Bi gain, with a fairly wide beamwidth. Hits 9. 10. 0 Votes 1. Rating 7. 5. 7 Build a 2. GHz Vertical antenna. Building a 2. 4. GHz vertical collinear omnidirectional antenna. Hits 7. 49. 27 Votes 9. Rating 6. 4. 2 Build A Tin Can Wi. Fi Antenna. Build a tin can waveguide Wi. Fi antenna in one hour. Then put it on a 1. No coax signal loss. Use a USB device on antenna. Complete instructions to build this powerful wlan antenna. Hits 9. 08. 5 Votes 3. Rating 5. 7. 4 Building a 2. GHz 1. 0 Element Brass Yagi. Build this home made yagi antenna for your 2. Hits 6. 32. 14 Votes 1. Rating 7. 3. 3 Building Helical Antennas Seattle Wireless. Photos and comments on building an helical antenna for wifi. Hits 2. 93. 29 Votes 5 Rating 8. Building the Single Sided 8 Slot Waveguide. Online calculator and a full documented pictorial guide to build a single sided 8 slot waveguide antenna. Hits 3. 52 Votes 1 Rating 1. Building the Wi. Fi parabolic antenna. Building a Bell Express. Vu satellite dish with a waveguide coffee can cantenna feed, and a Netgear USB Rangemax wifi card WPN1. Hits 1. 38. 68 Votes 2. Rating 8. 1. 7 Cantenna Aus Style. This is a brief guide to a cantenna, locating the materials not available easily in australia. The Ninth Doctor Collected Comics And Games. Hits 4. 85. 9 Votes 3. Rating 4. 2. 2 Cantenna Calculator. Online calculator for Cantenna special antenna for 8. Wi Fi bands. Hits 3. Votes 1. 09 Rating 5. Cantenna. Calc. Kioans calculator for building a Cantenna, directional waveguide antenna for long range Wi Fi. Hits 5. 92. 5 Votes 4. Rating 6. 9. 2 Cardboard. Horn Seattle Wireless. A Cardboard Horn antenna for 8. Hits 7. 67. 9 Votes 4 Rating 9. CD Case WI FI antenna. A bi quad antenna for wireless 2. Ghz made using a cd case. Hits 1. 39. 59 Votes 4. Rating 6. 0. 8 Coffee Can Wi. Fi Antenna. This wi fi antenna design is a much simpler DIY project than the pringles cantenna. Basically there are 3 parts to a build your own 2. Ghz cantenna kit a pigtail, an N female connector and a metal coffee can. Hits 1. 10. 2 Votes 1 Rating 1. Cookie Cantenna Wi Fi. Make a cheap, portable, high performance 1. Hits 5. 78. 5 Votes 3 Rating 1. CORNET 2. 4 giga WIFI antenna Hits 6. Votes 1. 1 Rating 6. Directional. Waveguide Seattle Wireless. Waveguide antenna is a type of Directional. Antenna and is a modified waveguide. A waveguide is simply a tube, either rectangular or cylindrical in cross section, that will carry a microwave radio signal with very low signal loss. Hits 4. 74. 3 Votes 3 Rating 6. Dish 8. 02. 1. 1 Wireless Networking Antenna. This antenna modification is for the IEEE 8. GHz. It can be scaled easily to the 5 GHz frequency used by IEEE 8. Hits 9. 22. 3 Votes 8 Rating 6. DIY Wireless Antennas Update and Resource Center. Your DIY Guide to Wireless Antennas for boosting wireless signal strength. How to build a wireless antenna for little or no money. Hits 3. 36. 2 Votes 3 Rating 3.