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Torrent Indecent Proposal 1993

Abuse Tracker March 2. Archives. NEW MEXICOGallup Independent. Published in the Gallup Independent, Gallup, N. M., March 1. 8, 2. Rock The Nigh. ProductImage/product/008011.jpg' alt='Torrent Indecent Proposal 1993' title='Torrent Indecent Proposal 1993' />By Elizabeth Hardin Burrola. Independent correspondentreligiongallupindependent. GALLUP The spokeswoman for the Diocese of Gallup offered an apology tempered with an explanation after Bishop James S. Wall postponed eight healing services for survivors of clergy sex abuse and rescheduled them in March 2. Wall initially canceled five healing services in January because of illness, but then postponed another service in February because it conflicted with his annual Mardi Gras fundraiser celebration and postponed two upcoming services in July because they conflict with a speaking engagement he accepted at the annual Tekakwitha Conference for Native American Catholics. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Torrent Indecent Proposal 1993' title='Torrent Indecent Proposal 1993' />A number of individuals, including several abuse survivors, expressed frustration to the Independent over the Mardi Gras and Tekakwitha cancellations as well as disappointment that all eight services were postponed to next year. The Tekakwitha Conference and Mardi Gras conflicts were a scheduling oversight on our part, and we extend sincere apologies to anyone especially survivors affected by the rescheduling, diocesan spokeswoman Suzanne Hammons wrote in an email. I understand the frustration survivors may be feeling, Hammons added. It can be hard to strike that balance between fulfilling the duties of our regular ministries and also meeting the needs of survivors, and we regret that in these two cases, that balance was not handled effectively. We will make every effort to prevent conflicts in the future. The Mardi Gras fundraiser is the largest single fundraiser for Catholic schools, Hammons wrote, and provides crucial funding for the education and needs of children in the Diocese, many of who also rely on the schools as a source for meals, counseling, and other resources. Hammons said the Tekakwitha Conference is also important because of Walls position as chair of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Subcommittee on Native American Affairs. Wall has the responsibility of listening to the voices of Indigenous Catholics, she wrote, and the conference provides Native People with a major platform to voice their needs and concerns on a national scale. Hammons also asserted diocesan officials consulted with members of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors about rescheduling the healing services. The committee represented the interests of clergy sex abuse claimants in the Gallup Dioceses now concluded bankruptcy case. The revised schedule was made after extensive and careful planning with the Creditors Committee, which includes survivors of abuse, Hammons wrote. Blindsided by decision. Prudence Jones, a Gallup resident and a member of the committee, took issue with Hammons statements. Jones attended the first healing service in November and had offered public remarks complimenting both the bishop and the service at the time. However, in a phone interview Tuesday, Jones described herself as blindsided by the bishops decision to postpone the eight services until March 2. By pushing the services so far back, Jones said, it gives the appearance that the pain and suffering these victims suffered because of abuse is not very important to the diocese. I believe a timely schedule for the healing services is so important because now that the bankruptcy is finalized, the victims of clergy abuse are beginning the process of rebuilding their lives and these healing services are an integral part of that process, she said. Image?disableStub=true&type=VIDEO_S_720&' alt='Torrent Indecent Proposal 1993' title='Torrent Indecent Proposal 1993' />There are no healing services scheduled this month and only one service in April. For the remainder of the year, the bishop has between one to three services scheduled per month. Jones also questioned Hammons claim that diocesan officials consulted with committee members about rescheduling the postponed services. Now that the bankruptcy case is concluded, she said, the seven members of the committee still occasionally keep in touch by email regarding bankruptcy related matters. Jones said none of the other committee members sent out an email saying the diocese was asking for the committees input. I was not contacted by the diocese, and that was surprising to me as Im the only committee member that lives in Gallup and therefore in a position to be working closely with the diocese as a committee member, Jones said. Profound healing effect. Committee members Criss Candelaria and Jo Ulibarri also confirmed they were not consulted about rescheduling the postponed services. In addition, Arizona attorney Robert E. Pastor, who represented Jones and a fourth committee member, said he had not heard of diocesan officials soliciting input from the committee. The remaining three committee members maintain their anonymity and do not speak with the media. Файл Непристойное предложение Indecent Proposal 1993 BDRipAVC от ExKinoRay D, P, P2, A. Продолжительность. Ulibarri said a diocesan official did notify her in January that healing services in Farmington and Lumberton were being postponed because of the bishops illness, but she said she wasnt told when any of the postponed services would be rescheduled. I understand the Bishop has been ill and he is busy, but Id like to see these services done, Ulibarri wrote in an email Tuesday. I feel like the victims need these services as an acknowledgement of what happened to us and its just getting pushed aside. Candelaria, the chairman of the committee, was the only contacted committee member not concerned with the postponements. I was not consulted but I have no strong objection provided they occur, Candelaria wrote in an email. I dont think time is of the essence. It may be beneficial in that the reconciliation masses spread over a reasonably longer period of time might keep it in public awareness. In contrast, Joelle Casteix, the western regional director for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, criticized the lengthy postponements because many abuse survivors are older individuals in poor health. Healing masses and visiting the parishes where clerics abused children are a no brainer that has a profound healing effect on many survivors, Casteix said in a statement released March 9. In fact, this is something that Wall should have done early in his tenure. By postponing these services for fundraisers and conferences, Wall is telling victims he doesnt really care. And because many of the victims are older and ill, these year long postponements may outlast the lifespans of many of the most hurt victims. History of Wikipedia Wikipedia. Wikipedias Main Page as it appeared on 2. December 2. 00. 1. Wikipedia began with its launch on 1. January 2. 00. 1, two days after the domain was registered2 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Its technological and conceptual underpinnings predate this the earliest known proposal for an online encyclopedia was made by Rick Gates in 1. Richard Stallman in December 2. Crucially, Stallmans concept specifically included the idea that no central organization should control editing. This characteristic was in stark contrast to contemporary digital encyclopedias such as Microsoft Encarta, Encyclopdia Britannica, and even Bomiss Nupedia, which was Wikipedias direct predecessor. In 2. 00. 1, the license for Nupedia was changed to GFDL, and Wales and Sanger launched Wikipedia using the concept and technology of a wiki pioneered in 1. Ward Cunningham. 6 Initially, Wikipedia was intended to complement Nupedia, an online encyclopedia project edited solely by experts, by providing additional draft articles and ideas for it. In practice, Wikipedia quickly overtook Nupedia, becoming a global project in multiple languages and inspiring a wide range of other online reference projects. According to Alexa Internet, as of 8 October 2. Wikipedia is the worlds fifth most popular website in terms of overall visitor traffic. Wikipedias worldwide monthly readership is approximately 4. Worldwide in August 2. WMF Labs tallied 1. According to com. Score, Wikipedia receives over 1. United States alone. Historical overvieweditBackgroundeditThe concept of compiling the worlds knowledge in a single location dates back to the ancient Libraries of Alexandria and Pergamum, but the modern concept of a general purpose, widely distributed, printed encyclopedia originated with Denis Diderot and the 1. French encyclopedists. The idea of using automated machinery beyond the printing press to build a more useful encyclopedia can be traced to Paul Otlets 1. Trait de documentation Otlet also founded the Mundaneum, an institution dedicated to indexing the worlds knowledge, in 1. This concept of a machine assisted encyclopedia was further expanded in H. G. Wells book of essays World Brain 1. Vannevar Bushs future vision of the microfilm based Memex in his essay As We May Think 1. Another milestone was Ted Nelsons hypertext design Project Xanadu, which was begun in 1. Advances in information technology in the late 2. While previous encyclopedias, notably the Encyclopdia Britannica, were book based, Microsofts Encarta, published in 1. CD ROM and hyperlinked. The development of the World Wide Web led to many attempts to develop internet encyclopedia projects. An early proposal for a web based encyclopedia was Interpedia in 1. Rick Gates 3 this project died before generating any encyclopedic content. Free software proponent Richard Stallman described the usefulness of a Free Universal Encyclopedia and Learning Resource in 1. His published document aims to lay out what the free encyclopedia needs to do, what sort of freedoms it needs to give the public, and how we can get started on developing it. On Wednesday 1. January 2. Wikipedia, the Free Software Foundations FSF GNUPedia project went online, competing with Nupedia,1. FSF encourages people to visit and contribute to Wikipedia. Formulation of the concepteditWikipedia was initially conceived as a feeder project for the Wales founded Nupedia, an earlier project to produce a free online encyclopedia, volunteered by Bomis, a web advertising firm owned by Jimmy Wales, Tim Shell and Michael E. Davis. 1. 41. 6 Nupedia was founded upon the use of highly qualified volunteer contributors and an elaborate multi step peer review process. Despite its mailing list of interested editors, and the presence of a full time editor in chief, Larry Sanger, a graduate philosophy student hired by Wales,1. Nupedia was extremely slow, with only 1. Wales and Sanger discussed various ways to create content more rapidly. The idea of a wiki based complement originated from a conversation between Larry M. Sanger and Ben Kovitz. Ben Kovitz was a computer programmer and regular on Ward Cunninghams revolutionary wiki the Wiki. Wiki. Web. He explained to Sanger what wikis were, at that time a difficult concept to understand, over a dinner on Tuesday 2 January 2. Wales first stated, in October 2. Larry had the idea to use Wiki software,2. December 2. 00. 5 that Jeremy Rosenfeld, a Bomis employee, introduced him to the concept. Sanger thought a wiki would be a good platform to use, and proposed on the Nupedia mailing list that a wiki based upon Use. Mod. Wiki then v. Nupedia. Under the subject Lets make a wiki, he wrote No, this is not an indecent proposal. Its an idea to add a little feature to Nupedia. Jimmy Wales thinks that many people might find the idea objectionable, but I think not. As to Nupedias use of a wiki, this is the ULTIMATE open and simple format for developing content. We have occasionally bandied about ideas for simpler, more open projects to either replace or supplement Nupedia. It seems to me wikis can be implemented practically instantly, need very little maintenance, and in general are very low risk. Theyre also a potentially great source for content. So theres little downside, as far as I can determine. Wales set one up and put it online on Wednesday 1. January 2. 00. 1. Founding of WikipediaeditThere was considerable resistance on the part of Nupedias editors and reviewers to the idea of associating Nupedia with a wiki style website. Sanger suggested giving the new project its own name, Wikipedia, and Wikipedia was soon launched on its own domain, wikipedia. Monday 1. 5 January 2. The bandwidth and server located in San Diego used for these initial projects were donated by Bomis. Many former Bomis employees later contributed content to the encyclopedia notably Tim Shell, co founder and later CEO of Bomis, and programmer Jason Richey. Wales stated in December 2. Wikipedias first edit, a test edit with the text Hello, World, but this edit may have been to an old version of Wikipedia which soon after was scrapped and replaced by a restart 2. The oldest article still preserved is the article Uu. U, created on Tuesday 1. January 2. 00. 1, at 2. UTC. 3. 03. 1 The existence of the project was formally announced and an appeal for volunteers to engage in content creation was made to the Nupedia mailing list on 1. January 2. 00. 1. The Uu. U edit, the first edit that is still preserved on Wikipedia to this day, as it appears using the Nostalgia skin. The project received many new participants after being mentioned on the Slashdot website in July 2. March 2. 00. 1. 3. It then received a prominent pointer to a story on the community edited technology and culture website Kuro. July. 3. 6 Between these relatively rapid influxes of traffic, there had been a steady stream of traffic from other sources, especially Google, which alone sent hundreds of new visitors to the site every day. Its first major mainstream media coverage was in the New York Times on Thursday 2. September 2. 00. 1. The project gained its 1,0. Monday 1. 2 February 2. September. In the first year of its existence, over 2. On Friday 3. 0 August 2. Wikipedias earliest edits were long believed lost, since the original Use. Mod. Wiki software deleted old data after about a month.